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"Schiller and Beethoven on the Ästhetischer Staat." Conference Address to 10. Virtuelles Humboldt-Preisträger-Forum", Bonn, Germany (October 2021)


"Schiller and Hölderlin." Opening Address to Conference "Hölderlin - Rilke - Celan": Intellectual History Forum, University of Sydney, Australia (September 2021)


"Musils Ethik." Keynote Address to the Seouler Musil-Kolloquium, Seoul, South Korea and Tokyo, Japan (August 2021)


Public Lecture, “Machine Ethics: A Question of Embodiment”, Public Symposium “Automation, Ethics and Society”, Customs House, UQ (November 2019)


“Kleist, Kafka and J.M. Coetzee.” Conference Paper to German Studies Association annual congress, Portland OR, USA (October 2019)


“Goethezeit oder Kantisches Zeitalter?” Keynote Address to triennial conference of the Asian German Studies Association, Sapporo, Japan (August 2019)


“The Ground of Ethics in J.M. Coetzee.” Workshop talk to seminar “Hermeneutics and Ethics”, UA-DAAD Cooperative Research Exchange, UQ (July 2019)


“Can Machines Do Ethics?” UQ Global Leadership Series, “The Future of Work”, Customs House, UQ (June 2018)


“Reason to be Modern: Schiller’s Project of Aesthetic Education.” Conference Paper and Opening Address, Conference: “Schiller als Herausforderer der Moralphilosophie/Schiller’s Challenge to Moral Philosophie”, University of Halle, Germany (May 2018).


“J.M. Coetzee in Chicago. Ethics as the journey to the ‘far territory, where we want to be.’” Public Lecture as part of “Dies academicus” lecture series, University of Bonn, Germany; also given at Kansas State University, USA (May 2018, February 2018).


“‘A General Secretariat of Precision and Soul.’ Thinking with the Humanities after the Fourth Revolution.” Research Seminar, University of Chicago. Also given as public lecture, University of Queensland.  (March 2018, October 2017).


“Towards an Origin of Species: From Tieck’s Der blonde Eckbert to E.T.A. Hoffmann’s Der goldne Topf.” Opening address to “Natural Histories of Languages” workshop, University of Sydney, Australia. (November 2017)


“Ethics and Literature: The Case of J.M. Coetzee.” Humboldt Foundation Regional Conference, New Zealand Royal Society, Wellington, New Zealand. (November 2017)


“Reading J.M. Coetzee’s The Childhood of Jesus with Friedrich Schiller.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Conference, University of Utrecht, Netherlands. (May 2017)


“Nietzsche and the longue durée”: GSAA biennial conference, Canberra, ANU (December 2016)


“The Intellectual Position of Heinrich von Kleist”: GSA annual conference, San Diego USA (September 2016)


“‘Zu den Wilden der Einöde hinaus gestoßen’: Ein Versuch zum politischen Kleist”: “Der politische Kleist,” Conference, University of Bonn, Institut für Komparatistik und Germanistik (March 2016)


“Zur Frage einer Epistemologie des Ästhetischen”: conference presentation to Internationale Vereinigung der Germanistik (IVG), Tongji University, Shanghai, China (August 2015)


 “Coetzee and Scepticism”: conference presentation to conference “The Intellectual Landscape in the Works of J.M. Coetzee”, University of Queensland (April 2015)


 “J.M. Coetzee and the Moral Image of the World”: Public Lecture as part of Dies Academicus lecture series, University of Bonn, Germany (December 2014)


“Ethical Perspectives in J.M. Coetzee’s Works”: “Traverses: A Conference on the Works of J.M. Coetzee”, University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia (November 2014)


“German Romanticism, or: The Dialectical Imagination”: Public Lecture, Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, University of Queensland (August 2014)


“Kleist, Romanticism and Scepticism”: The Age of Romanticism, Conference, University of Sydney (March 2014)


“Robert Musil and the Question of Science” to School of Languages and Cultures staff research seminar, University of Queensland, November 2013)


“News from the Third Floor: Foreign Language Learning in the Twenty-First Century – the View from Australia and New Zealand.” Independent Schools’ Annual Conference “Teach 2 Reach”. Aug 2–3, 2013. Riverglen, Brisbane, Qld


“Musils Essayistik” to “Essayistik und Moderne” (Essay and Modernity) conference, University of Kiel, Germany (May 2013)

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